Is it not another incumbent aspect of capitalist
society that we think of ourselves in terms of nothing more than the mere
volume of value we offer to public life?
That we are credible to those in power, rather than credible and
accountable to ourselves? We’re told
that our actions are of importance, that we can make a difference. Yet we’re subjected to paltry compensations
from those in power in order to suppress those ideas which are deemed
counter-productive or pose a threat to the existing order.
Yet this in and of itself is
problematic. Our actions and political
statements are extensions of our passions and beliefs, and to consider them in
reference to compensations of mankind undermines their power and their
potential for social good. Political activism
is artistic experimentation. It is
symbolic. And so such symbolism cannot
be applied to paper, nor analysed by those obtuse enough to apply such
symbolism to paper.