About Me

My name is Meg and I'm a 20 year old Sociology student, from England, UK.  I have interests in sociology; feminism; human rights; law; politics; environmentalism; animal rights; and social constructionism.  Articles on this blog are intended to express my personal opinions and thoughts on some of the above topics, with relevant contemporary material where possible. 

All views are my own.

I believe we live in a Western-modern paradigm that places value on individuality that exploits fellow human beings and nature for its own gain because, at the end of the day, hierarchy likes nothing less than a refusal to play by its arbitrary rules.  I intend to break these rules and make the world a better place (this may seem optimistic, or even utopic, but it is possible).

Comments are moderated before being published.  If your comment is deemed to be offensive, harassing or abusive, it will not be published.

I do not own the images I use on this blog, and, where possible, I link the pictures to the source I found them.  


  1. Hi. I'm not sure how to personally message someone on this site (or even if it's possible) so, well, I'm doing it here - wherever here is exactly. I just wanted to say I've read a few of your posts and I liked what I read, and in general I like your world view. I have a blog where I occasionally complain but mostly just post the essays I write.

    Maybe we could discuss things sometime. I don't often come across someone with a likewise mind.

    Happy trails.

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for your message, it means a lot. I'm honestly not too sure whether there is a messaging service on this site either. I've popped over to your blog and you certainly have some interesting thoughts and insights!

      Enjoy your evening.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
