Of course big firms and farmers wouldn't be happy if we all gave up the consumption
of animal products because it is a direct threat to corporate profits! But you
know who would be pleased by our conscious decision to eliminate such products?
The animals we have to actively *kill* in order to temporarily satisfy our
taste-buds. It’s not your personal choice / freedom of choice to eat meat if it
puts others in danger or obstructs their freedoms, it’s a complete
contradiction and exceeds a statutory limit.
Just to
break it down a bit for you, animal agriculture is the number one cause of all
human-induced climate change, and this means that raising animals for food or
by-products: consumes 1/3 of all fresh water; occupies 45% of all the Earth's
land; causes 91% of all Amazonian destruction; is the leading cause of species
extinction; is the leading cause of ocean "dead zones"; and is the
leading cause of habitat destruction, amongst many other things. If more people
cut down on their intake of animal products that would lead to a lower demand,
thus meaning there's a lower supply, and consequently less destruction is
caused, less lives are lost, and people's health improves. We have been fed a
narrative of lives that we need to eat dead corpses and drink / consume the
lactations of bovine animals in order to live a healthy life. However, this is
simply not true. Legally there can be up to 400 million pus cells in every
litre of milk in the UK, as well as containing antibiotics and growth factors
given to the cows. The leading cause of heart disease is cholesterol, and high
levels of cholesterol are *only* found in people who consume animal products.
where is the logic in drinking baby calf growth liquid? We are not cows. It’s a
myth perpetuated by those with money to indoctrinate us into believing that we
cannot lead a healthy life. The only reason we drink cows’ milk instead of,
say, tiger or gorilla is money. We cannot house such large animals in cramped
conditions without making a loss in profit. It’s a lie and we have allowed
ourselves to be duped into this myth.
our anatomy and physiology is not designed for processing dead corpses and
another animal’s breast milk. Natural meat-eaters swallow their meat
raw after no or minimal chewing, relying on their highly acidic stomach juices
to break down the meat and kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning. We chew
our food thoroughly, and we have a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme in our saliva
to start the digestive process, just as other herbivores do. Without the
stomach acidity that carnivores and omnivores have, we are forced to cook our
meat to avoid the risk of food poisoning. Like all herbivores, we have a long
intestinal tract, which is necessary for the proper digestion of the cellulose
in plants. Carnivores and omnivores have shorter intestines, which are designed
to quickly digest meat before it begins to rot.
“But if
we’re not supposed to eat meat then why do we have canines?” Fun fact – hippos have
the largest canines in the entire animal kingdom, but they are herbivores.
Canines do not immediately mean that we are designed to eat meat. Humans have
hands that are useful for gathering vegetables and fruit, but are not good for
killing and ripping skin and flesh. Natural omnivores / carnivores (bears /
cats) have claws that they use to grasp and tear at their prey.
As for
failing crops, people mention how the population has grown. But did you know
that in 1912 there were c. 1.5billion people on the entire planet. Just over
100 years later and we now have c. 7billion people on Earth. The mass populous
has grown exponentially, and factory farming / any form of animal production is
unsustainable. Of course this has put a great strain on the land used to grow
crops, but cannot be seen as the only reason. 216,000 more people are born to
the planet every day. It is extraordinary. But what’s really extraordinary is
that you need, per day, 34,000 new acres of farmable land. As I said earlier, 45% of this land will be devoted to raising cattle, producing dairy, and
egg-rearing. Most of the rainforest is being cut down due to soya farming for
animal feed. Over 90% of this feed is soya and corn. If we took this feed and
gave it to people instead of the animals, then we could begin to make a start
in ending world hunger. Why do we need to get our protein sources after they’ve
been shoved down the throats of an animal we now shove down our throats? 80,000
edible plants and we still maintain a narrative that plants do not cater to the
vitamins / minerals / proteins we need to survive?
communities are being wiped out on a daily basis in the attempt to keep up with
the demand placed on beef. These are not people who have chosen to participate in
a destructive behavioural pattern. Yes, there are some groups in rainforests
who have had to make a choice about whether they lose their home or buy into
the capitalist machine. But would you call that a choice?
It is
impossible to find a way to bring animal agriculture in line with population
increases, as well as making it humane (which is the epitome of an oxymoron).
is never ethical. Meat cannot be
ethically sourced. This is about all
life on Earth hanging in the balance of our actions. We have a choice. I have
made mine and can say that my conscience is clearer for the better.
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