Sunday, 13 September 2015

Unsustainable Consumption

Of course big firms and farmers wouldn't be happy if we all gave up the consumption of animal products because it is a direct threat to corporate profits! But you know who would be pleased by our conscious decision to eliminate such products? The animals we have to actively *kill* in order to temporarily satisfy our taste-buds. It’s not your personal choice / freedom of choice to eat meat if it puts others in danger or obstructs their freedoms, it’s a complete contradiction and exceeds a statutory limit.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Guatemala: Apathetic Youth and People-Power?

Jorge Dan Lopez/Reuters
We’ve heard of the Arab Spring.  We’ve watched on as mainstream news outlets have relentlessly reported on the impact of actions by the general public have had on the governing social and political systems.  We’ve been witness to countless outbreaks of violence, unrest, and humanitarian crises, which have produced graphic and obscene images that became a viral presentation of a system that is failing.