Thursday, 28 August 2014

Economic Disaster, Crime and Society

Who is responsible?
Society has been divided by capitalism, and as a result, there is a conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.  Therefore, social inequality and economic disasters, stemming from capitalism, are the causes of crime, thus supporting the claim that the law operates to serve the interests of the ruling class. 

Capitalism is an exploitative system whereby the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat because it is a system that espouses the extraordinary belief that the nastiest men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all.  Crime is the result of poverty which is generated by the capitalist system.  People steal because

Thursday, 21 August 2014

World Change

Are we the revolution? 
Should we not all want to do something that is outside of our comfort zone that really makes a substantial difference on a wider scale, in a country outside of our immediate locality?  It would give us the opportunity to communicate with people from different cultures, gain their trust and a deeper insight into how their lives and communities are supported and affected by social and economic policies by local governments.  Throwing money at a problem is not the solution.  It is about working with local people to discuss the problems that affect them directly and find sustainable routes which will help them improve life chances, and this is far more effective than distanced monetary aid. 

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Male Privilege

Male privilege” is a term that is often thrown around with little thought to what it is referring or what it really means.  The term refers to white middle-upper class heterosexual males who have traditionally (before equal rights movements began) ruled and owned society, and, to an extent, this is still true today.  Life for men who match this cisgender identity tend to find that their life is easier compared to the working classes, ethnic minorities or those with a transsexual identity.  Yet when men within the boundaries for male privilege are confronted with the terminology, they become defensive, confrontational and do everything in their power to prove that they do not have an easier life than anyone else.  They will play around with the word “privilege”, haul out the dictionaries and question the meaning of the word and whether it can truly be applied to this narrow view of the male gender.  They seem to hold the misconception that discussing prejudice which has stemmed from their group is in fact another form of prejudice and it cannot be justified. 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

It's A Fracking Disaster

Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as “fracking”, is the process of drilling far into the earth, and injecting a liquid mixture of water and toxic chemicals at a high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, and so forth, so as to force open existing fissures and extract shale gas.  Over the last century the exploitation of fossil fuels has developed from tunnel mining for coal and drilling shallow oil wells to tearing apart whole mountains and drilling in a mile or more deep of ocean.  These have inevitably led to many environmental disasters.  Yet fracking has been hailed as the “revolution of the energy industry”, and investors and corporations do not want the general public to be aware of the destruction and negative impact that this new “solution” has on the environment. 

Fracking is simply a symptom of a much wider problem.  As easier to extract energy resources are exhausted and drained by the unsustainable energy consumption and consumerism of our present system, we are resorting to ever more extreme methods of energy extraction.  But at what cost?

Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Infamous “Friendzone”

The friendzone does not exist
The “friendzone” is a situation in which a friendship exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated sexual interest in the other.  It is where men go – or where men perceive themselves to end up – when a woman of their desires fails to reward their friendship with sexual favours.

From a not-entirely feminist perspective (more so common sense), the friendzone has come to exist as a way of diminishing a woman’s right to say “no” to a person’s sexual advances.  Frankly, it is a sexist myth.  It is not real.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Silencing Women

The double-standards for men and women is an issue often discussed, but rarely so in the realm of semantics.  One double-standard particularly hits home time and again: when a man is opinionated, talks too much and demands the respect he deserves, he is seen as “confident”, whilst a woman who behaves in the same manner is deemed to be “attention-seeking”.  It’s a typecast entrenched deep in the human mind.  It’s a social tool for getting women to shut up and keep quiet, but it is also evidence that what she was saying has made an impact, that she has more power than she realises.  It’s a slur that should be a source of pride. 

Yet we are told that we have no power, we can make no impact on the world.  And this is done so through people’s choice of words, intentional or not.  But it works, and this should not be the case.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

We Need a Revolution

The fact that so few people actually have their own opinions about world issues (or at the very least do not openly share them), but instead conform to media inspired beliefs is something rather concerning.  We need a revolution, yet this won’t happen unless everyone realises the ideological control of the media and societal institutions in biasing our perception of the world.  So many people do not care nor have opinions about things that really matter, such as the state of humanity, the way we so easily obey the people at the top of hierarchy because we believe they’re better than us, or the way the environment is used for capitalistic gain.