Friday, 28 August 2015

A Society Lacking Compassion

Daniel Etter/New York Times/Redux/eyevine
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with images and messages about what it means to be an autonomous individual in our current world state.  We are told how to style our hair, what to wear and when, how we should live and work.  Frankly this appears to be the opposite in opposition to the freedoms we are regularly told we have in liberal Western democracies.  In this state of what can only be perceived as a form of harassment from the state that seeks to protect us through manipulation, it is incredibly easy to lose ourselves, our identity and sense of purpose.

Yet, step back for a minute and consider those who do not have the privileges so readily available to us in the Western world.  Masses of the earth’s population live in dire poverty, in countries conflicted by civil and external wars, and under dictatorial governmental leaderships.  Yes, we may easily lose ourselves and our sense of purpose, but for far too many, losing their homes and the daily threat of the loss of life is an all-too regular occurrence. 

Sunday, 23 August 2015

The Body Project

“In the affluent West, there is a tendency for the body to be seen as an entity which is in the process of becoming; a project which should be worked at and accomplished as part of an individual’s self-identity… [yet] Body projects still vary along social lines, especially in the case of gender.” [Shilling 1996: p.5]

Monday, 17 August 2015

Should Feminism Rebrand Itself for a Wider Audience?

It has been suggested that feminism, as we know and understand it, should rebrand itself because the brand of the movement, not the message, is turning people off and away from the realities of the feminist fight. 

Therefore, I find myself asking whether feminism should rebrand itself to appease those who dislike the brand so it can appeal to a wider audience.  And I find myself answering no.  Feminism should not need to rebrand itself to be duly accepted by the mainstream.  Feminism should be a movement with a name that continues to be unapologetic in its demand for attaining equal rights, the advancement of women and marginalised groups in society, and the restructuring of patriarchal demands.

In short, no.  Feminism should not rebrand itself.

Saturday, 8 August 2015


Everything is one long process.  Even if there are shortcuts available, the original process is (usually) still abided by.

As in many aspects of our lives, the key to success lies in planning and executing processes.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Honest Roof

Having grown up with a limited scope of knowledge about the world around me, due to living in a western-centric, capitalist and globalised society, has often left me with questions about the experiences, cultures and history of countries not part of the system in which I have been privileged to live.

Being fortunate enough to study at a respected university and work in a supportive and fairly well-paid part-time job has allowed me to create opportunities to travel and learn more about the world in which I live, broadening my horizons and knowledge, reducing prejudice and bias I know I have oftentimes willingly accepted based on the propaganda my media sources exploit as a result of a lack open minded and opposing views.